Privacy policy

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Tokyo Consulting Inc.
105-0004 Keihanshin Onarimon Bldg. 8th floor 6-16-12 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
TEL : +81-(0)3-3437-4311
FAX : +81-(0)3-3437-4320

Privacy Policy

Established in 31 March, 2005
 Kazushige Ishido, President

  Tokyo Consulting Inc. (“We”) acknowledges the significance of personal privacy protection. We strongly committed to protect the privacy of the personally-identifiable information (“personal information”). The scope of our commitment is detailed in the privacy policy stated below.


1. Collect, use, provide, and deposit personal information properly.

The personal information is handled appropriately by our operating rules to collect, use, provide, and deposit it.
In case we collect the personal information, we firmly comply with the rules: Designate explicitly the purpose to collect information, the way to contact, etc; Adopt the lawful and fair way; Accumulate the personal information of the minimum necessity.
 Unless prescribed by law and other regulatory requirements, we never disclose or provide your personal information without your prior consent. If we provide your personal information to subcontractors, we manage them by such ways: Obligating them to protect the personal information by non-disclosure agreement or a similar way; Supervising them to handle the personal information properly.


2. Prevent losing, destructing, falsifying, and leaking personal information

In order to manage personal information, including the prevention of loss, damage, falsification and divulgation, we take appropriate security measures such as preventing unauthorized access and anti-virus.


3.Comply with laws, regulations, and ordinances.

We comply with the Personal Information Law, other related regulations, and other ordinances firmly. We also continue to improve and review its measures for the protection of personal information stated above.