Design each company’s tailor-made approach based on the universal essentials by applying framework and know-how for the process and organization of systemization (which means business transformation and information system implementation), and support the execution

Provide below services to each planning, development and maintenance phase for systemization (which means business transformation and information system implementation)
1) Evaluate and diagnose the real problems
2) Analyze root causes and plan solutions
3) Support execution
Examples of Tokyo Consulting Inc’s own framework are
2) Structured framework to organize IT investment
3) Governance framework for systemization
4) Visualization framework for systemization
5) KGI/KPI standard model for systemization
6) Development phased framework for systemization methodology
(Realism, Functionalism, Structuralism, Adaptationism)
7) Procurement reference model (for resources such as materials, IT and people)
8) Governance framework for global business
Provide services for improvement and transformation in below 5 fields.
(1) Top executives, (2) CIO, (3) Business department, (4) IT department, (5) Utilization of external companies
Examples of Tokyo Consulting Inc’s own framework are
1) Trinity of top executives, business department and IT department
2) CIO competence development program
3) Framework to unify business strategy and organization for systemization
4) Core systemization skill map for staffs
5) PEM model for systemization competence development for staffs
6) Optimization framework to utilize external companies
7) Systemization literacy enhancement program for top executives
8) Systemization literacy enhancement program for business department