System rating service

 We introduce system rating service for private companies and local governments which we had conducted in the past as a part of pro bono activity to contribute to brush up system broadly in the world.

Overview of system rating for private companies

  • Collaborative work with Nikkei Sangyo Shinbun
  • Conduct interviews to listed companies and major non listed companies
  • The result was published on Nikkei Sangyo Shinbun

Overview of system rating for local governments

  • Collaborative work with Nikkei BP
  • Conduct interviews to most local governments in Japan
  • The result was published on Nikkei BP government technology

Features of system rating service

  • Provide directions for improvement by evaluating the current information system condition objectively, and identifying the position and strength/weakness of each private companies and autonomy.
  • Score and evaluate by analyzing questions and answers based on Tokyo Consulting Inc’s original AAA framework with statistical method “Covariance Structure Analysis”.

Track records

2003First system rating for private companies
Conduct for around 350 companies mainly listed on Tokyo stock exchange. The result was published on Nikkei Sangyo Shinbun as of 22th April 2003.
2004Second system rating for private companies
Conduct for around 300 companies mainly listed on Tokyo stock exchange and major non listed companies. The result was published on Nikkei Sangyo Shinbun as of 27th December 2004.
2005First system rating for local governments
Conduct for around 417 local governments with valid response. The result was published on Nikkei BP Government Technology 2005 Winter edition(published on 15th December).
2006Second system rating for local governments
Conduct for around 430 local governments with valid response. The result was published on Nikkei BP Government Technology 2006 Winter edition(published on 15th December).